Functional components in Vue

I discovered functional components while training for the level 1 certification of Vue.js. While I might not use it every day as it is very verbose, I’d like to share an example in this article.

Jérémie Litzler
2 min readMay 2, 2024
Credit: Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash.

I’ll be 100% honest: functional component is another level. It uses the render function h() in Vue.js.

I believe it’s what Vue uses under the hood to convert your SFC (Single File Component) or In-Template code to Virtual DOM nodes.

I’ll share an example I came across in the Vue.js challenge series, where I learned to use this functionality.

Do read all the comments in the code below .

//Using TypeScrit and Composition API
import { ref, h } from "vue";

// To type the list of items
type User = {
name: String;
// To type the props
type Props = {
list: User[];
activeIndex: number;
// To type the events ( e.g. emit)
type Events = {
toogle(index: number): void;
* The challenge > Implement a functional component :
* 1. Render the list elements (ul/li) with the list data
* 2. Change the list item text color to red when clicked.
const ListComponent = (props: Props, { emit }) => {
return h(
"ul", // create a ul element User, index) =>
// loop the list prop (equivalent to v-for)
"li", // ... to create an li element for each element
// ... with the mandatory key attribute
key: index,
// ... with the inline style to set the text to red
// when the current index is equal to activeIndex prop
style: index == props.activeIndex ? { color: "red" } : null,
// ... with the assignment of the node `innerText` value
// ... and attaching the onclick handler with the toggle emit
onClick: () => emit("toggle", index),
// This lists the props of the component,
// but doesn't define it. See above type.
ListComponent.props = ["list", "active-index"];
// This lists the events handled by the component,
// but doesn't define it. See above type.
ListComponent.emits = ["toggle"];
const list: User[] = [
name: "John",
name: "Doe",
name: "Smith",
const activeIndex = ref(0);
function toggle(index: number) {
activeIndex.value = index;

Now, you understand Vue.js a bit more in depth.

As for the template, the usage is unchanged to a regular SFC.

<list-component :list="list" :active-index="activeIndex" @toggle="toggle" />

Feel free to contact me if you see any mistakes and if you simply want to say thank you.



Jérémie Litzler

I am a software engineer, but not just that: I thrive to improve life around me through observation and awareness about my impact in my environment.